

SMM Hamburg

From 4 to 7 September, the largest maritime trade fair in the maritime sector, the SMM, was held in Hamburg. With more than 2,200 booths and some 50,000 visitors from all over the world, SMM continues to consolidate itself as the most important event in the maritime industry calendar

The fair offers a perfect setting to be up-to-date regarding the movements of the sector and is a perfect place to implement networking and consolidate business.

The extremely high number of visitors in recent years exposes the demographic diversity of the fair. Not only shipyards, auxiliary industry, operators and service providers are present, but it is also a unique opportunity to rub shoulders with representatives of the maritime industry, government, shipping companies and the scientific community.

SMM is a true reflection of the industry trend. With half of the visitors interested in knowing the latest advances in terms of technology and innovations in the sector, the exhibitors enjoy a success based on the contacts made during the fair and in the subsequent feedback. The contacts made at the fair usually turn into good contracts.

Accompanied by our colleagues at Ocean Safety Ltd., we were able to enjoy the business environment of one of the largest world fairs in the sector and continue to increase our contacts for the future.


Seawork International

From June 3 to 5, the 21st Edition of the Seawork International Fair was held in Southampton, encompassing the entire professional industry of the English maritime sector. Once again in the hands of Vanguard Marine Lda. we had the opportunity to be present at this event which also served as an opportunity to meet with my colleagues from Ocean Safety Ltd. whose headquarters are located in that city.

Seawork International is composed of an exhibition area for exhibitors, conferences on the sector and awards (ECMA - European Commercial Marine Awards). All this brings together more than 7600 professionals of the sector and more than 10500 products and services, as well as more than 70 vessels, both rigid and semi-rigid.


Sandmposium Puand Dandprts ortivos

For three days, invited by Vanguard Marine Lda. we were able to enjoy some technical days within the XVII Symposium of Ports of Sports organized by ASMAR and driven by Mr. Victor Montero

These Symposium was held during 1st and 2nd of June in the Lopesan Costa Meloneras Resort hotel in Gran Canaria.
In this edition, the island of Gran Canaria was chosen as the venue for its good location and fantastic travel communication, as well as its great hotel offer, being a magnificent opportunity to combine work and rest. And the most important thing is to pay tribute to Mr. Santiago Ara Quero, President of the Canary Islands Ports Association, in recognition of his professional career.

The Symposium was created in 1989, on a biennial basis, and with the purpose of establishing a meeting forum that would allow dealers, companies and other interested parties to exchange and update knowledge about this sector, in constant development due to social, economic and social changes. legal

During the two days of the Symposium we had the opportunity to listen to very interesting talks on various topics such as port concessions,taxation or marine management, by personalities from all over the Spanish geography.



Last May, the Navalia fair was held in Vigo, a benchmark in the naval sector where practically all shipyards and suppliers of products and services are located. JLSurvival was invited at the stand of Vanguard Marine where they were able to present their new project in society as well as to support the commercial and marketing strategy of both Vanguard Marine and Ocean Safety, taking advantage of the synergies of both companies.

The fair closed with a resounding success in terms of participation of exhibitors and in terms of business done and we could see the good health of a sector that has managed to overcome, not without great effort, the serious crisis it suffered for almost 5 years. The shipyards are in good health and contracts are being closed at a very good pace. Armón, Freire, Cardama and Nodosa are some of the shipyards that have no place in their stands and that have workload until 2020 or 2021 in some cases. This fact greatly benefits an auxiliary industry that little by little is also recovering.

Safety Congress
Club Nautic Garraf

On May 11, the Club Nautic Garraf held an informative day on the safety and rescue media addressed to its members in the Kayak section. Among the topics highlighted were the leadership when it comes to leaving to make a route and the position and decisions to be taken by the leader, both to lead the group, and when facing any incident that may arise.

Another important part of the talk was focused on the security means that can be used in the event of an unforeseen event, in which both the mobile phone, as well as the VHF radio and the personal beacon, could play a fundamental role.

To explain the part corresponding to the personal beacon, the organization of the event counted on the experience in that field of JLSurvival that, from the hand of its founder, Jesús López, exposed the different available options and their use in case of produce an emergency situation.

Barcelona Yachting
Networking Meeting

On the 3rd of May a meeting of the organizing Network was held at the Barcelona Oceanic Foundation (FNOB) by the Cluster Nautic in collaboration with Barter, under the name of the Barcelona Yachting Networking Meeting. The meeting was held throughout the day involved about 70 professionals including JLSurvival.The B2B format with 15-minute meetings allows to maximize the synergies that occur between the participating companies and facilitates personal contact between them. An event designed to take advantage of the pull of the MYBA Charter Show that was being held between May 2-5 at OneOcean Port Vell in Barcelona.
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